Monday, May 9, 2011

Ventures of Robert Venturi

Normally I tend to agree with a more practical approach to things, but in this case, I’m kind of leaning towards Robert Venturi’s side of the argument concerning architecture. Venturi is a Postmodernist architect who rejected the Modernist tendency of function over form. His response to the phrase “less is more” was “less is a bore.” Now I’m not saying that practical buildings are not necessary, but there is something about really creative and unique architecture that I find appealing. Venturi leans more toward creating architecture that is aesthetically pleasing and emphasizes individuality and excitement rather than buildings designed purely for preserving space and fulfilling basic shelter needs.

Take for example the Vanna Venturi House. Robert Venturi took basic elements used in building traditional homes, but used them in a way to create a unique house that is still modern.

Venturi also felt that it was important to preserve details and beauty in buildings. I definitely agree with this. I can’t imagine how boring it would be if all buildings were designed with the Modernist ideas in mind. There are some pretty neat glass and steel sky scrapers, but if that’s what all modern architecture looked like, our world would be a pretty boring place.

I enjoy Venturi’s architecture because it is simple, yet not necessarily boring. His respect for detail is evident in a lot of his designs.

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